As a sculptor I have always done a lot of drawings, technical ones out of practical necessity and free ones for joy and pleasure of the immediacy of expression they offer. The need to make more out of the medium drawing has, over time, led me to cut into the drawings in order to gain a sense of space and make the drawing come into life.


In this way I made my first reliefs that were initially very hermetic volumes which possessed strongly pictorial qualities. I have always been fascinated by their dual function as image and object. The deliberate positioning of the relief image on the wall then prompted me to work with side-specific installations to integrate the respective architectural situation into my artistic concept.

Andreas Kocks

geboren 1960 in Oberhausen
1980              Studium an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf bei Norbert Kricke, Ulrich Rückriem und Erich Reusch  
1987           BFA in Integration bildende Kunst und Architektur, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
1989  MFA in Bildhauerei, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
1998-2006    2006/07    lebt und arbeitet in New York                                                    Pollock Krasner Stipendium
2010/11         Lehrauftrag an der SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design, Lacoste, France, Atlanta, Savannah, GA, USA
Lebt und arbeitet in Königsdorf