7 November, 2024, 7 pm
the artists are present
Resonance is a phenomenon in which a body is stimulated from the outside at a certain frequency and made to vibrate. For Eberhard Ross, this already begins in the painting process: the artist dedicates himself to the completion of his works to classical music and in meditative work. The melody carries him from layer to layer until he finally exposes the lower layers with the help of a drypoint needle. The canvas begins to vibrate, the motif seems to dissolve and radiate towards the viewer. The intense neon orange colour also makes the painting stand out from the wall; it takes on a rhythm of its own. The viewer can also sense this rhythm and is immersed in the tonal world of colour.
The exhibition shows current paintings by Eberhard Ross. Under the format * worth seeing, Eberhard Ross presents the painter Friederike Walter with individual paintings.